Apex Scenic Design, Inc. began well before the company was founded in 2016. In 2008, Shaun McIlquham was the technical director at a school on the southside of Indianapolis. Another school’s theatre director asked him to design and build a set for The Wizard of Oz for that school’s spring production. Because the school at which he was working just produced the same show a year prior, most of the scenic elements were still around. Shaun designed and built the set, using the school’s scenic elements, and rented the set to the other school as a fundraiser for his school’s theatre program. This arrangement lasted for six years. During that time, other schools in the area started renting scenic elements and props from Shaun, raising money for his school’s theatre program.
Shaun left the school in 2013, deciding to go back to school and create this model on a larger scale and work for himself. After graduating with a business degree with a focus on the entertainment industry, Shaun took the step and launched Apex Scenic Design. His first client was his former school, with which he still has a great relationship and has expanded to additional schools while building Apex Scenic Design.
In August of 2017, Apex will begin marketing to all schools in Central Indiana with a plan to expand our marketing focus for the next four years. The company is ready to grow and posed for success.